Tuesday, January 18, 2011
monore piercing
I liked what I saw and got my Monroe done. I got the piercing on the right
Rockin the monroe piercing
Monroe Piercing With Cz Gem
7-piece lip (labret) or monroe piercing starter kit, 14 or 16 gauge
Looking for unique Body Piercing? Monroe piercing
Minimize the Risk Tongue Piercing. Posted on 4:43 AM By admin
057.jpg Monroe Piercing
16g neometal cz monroe by tattooindiana. Piercing by Alan.
do you think monroe piercings look trashy? has anyone had this piercing done
my new Marilyn Monroe piercing!
what piercing (that you can see) do you like the best?
still rockin the monroe piercing
me and my marliyn monroe piercing
How to make a fake piercing
when I had my monroe piercing.
Yes, it is a Monroe Piercing.
Marilyn Monroe Pierced
Monroe Piercing ! Got it Jan.
My Monroe Piercing
Monroe Piercing with Clear CZ